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No Wind Tonight ...

Crossroads of Destinies

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Two years after “FREEDOM, NOW !“, we are still walking with passion on the path of emancipation, while assuming a full hybridisation, the key word of this new double album



We’re happy to share it with you and we hope that you’ll all enjoy it …

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This new opus is organised around four “musical journeys“ in which Sensitivity, Emotion, Surprise, the Unexpected and Feelings are called.


These four journeys are thought like four invitations to share our introspective work, to follow us on different paths, to mutualise our imaginations.

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The double album 



1- BAB’Y is a long remembrance sequence about crossing destinies.

“It’s all at the same time a tribute to the Babi Yar survivors (Kiev-Ukraine, September 1941) and an anthem to my grand-parents“.

Through an obvious compassionate fraternity, a necessary “After“ communion, this piece speaks for the powerful strength of life, the power of Life. And facing the unknown, the strangeness of immeasurable, rapid and nihilistic acts, this musical piece introduces a spiral of contradictory feelings, before the light comes back …

A tenuous light …
But still a light …
Today, Yesterday …"   

“When I was a kid, I used to spend most of my time with my grand-parents.

Their tellings were so precise, that War never was a matter of the past, but a tangible fact for me. 
In 1942, my grand-father, as a “Despite-Us“ Mosello-Alsatian, was forced to join the Wehrmacht.
At the same period, my grand-mother and a friend, hiding from the guards, were feeding a few Soviet prisoners, mainly men, parked in a small camp on the other side of the street. 
It was risky, as one of the guards was a bit nervous with his Mauser trigger.  
This camp had been settled in a stone quarry, a ravine, and the prisoners were due to break stones and move earth. Hard conditions and poor feeding … of course. Others were requisitioned in mines. Inside the deep bowels of the iron mines, you could also find women and young girls, who had to clean the streams. 
One day, one of the men asked for a wide leather belt. After a while and surely to thank her, he gave back to my grand-mother a pair of tiny shoes made from the belt, for my new-born uncle. Like so many others, the little boy was a Bab'Y in the storm ...


I was a teenager when I discovered how serious the disaster had been in the East of Europe. I then imagined that this grateful prisoner was a Jewish father from Kiev-Ukraine. It was pure speculation of course, but it remained and still does in my mind. We have to remind, that in front of Paul Blobel and his "Einsatzgruppen's" troops, were left only kids with their mums and old people. All the men were fighting at the front, or already prisoners. 


This is why I chose to put into light these destinies crossing, through this long musical piece.
As you will have understood, this overlap of musical periods from dark on one side, to a more joyful one on the other side, is the symbol of the neverending balancing between hope and defeatism, defeatism and hope, with in the background, the power of survival (the last theme evoking the Babi Yar survivors) and then, the ultimate defeat of the criminal nazi racism.

This is how this suite never occurred to me as being solely sad.

I hope that people will understand …“    G                                 Letter for Marie B., October the 8th 2018

2- CURRITUR AD VOCEM is a piece that was inspired by a medieval traditional piece, itself coming from the series “Carmina Burana“ (manuscript from the Abbaye Benediktbeuern/XIIIth C.) 
Instruments joust together in a jovial and peaceful spirit (“The Donkey’s Feast“/“The Lunatic’s Feast“).
A bit less known than other melodies from this period popular and loud, this nice ritornello is light, joyful and finds its place among this mix of kinds like only FREE HUMAN ZOO has the secret ...

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“Just like we had ourselves, you will have the great pleasure to hear our four guests : the soprano singer Camille FRITSCH, Jocelyn MIENNIEL and his flute, Bruno ORTEGA and his bass recorder and Jonathan EDO at the percussions. Unmissable and multicoloured creators of great energies.“ G



A shorter piece than the previous ones. It celebrates the mystery of perpetual renewal, especially through an approchable and optimistic harmonic grid  and with a quicker and more tensed tempo.

TALITHA KOUM, is a tonic and pulsatile, promoting the quest for a “Never-heard“, a lived “Re-newal“ where the bass guitar opens the ways for the voices. TALITHA KOUM, is an invitation to share a new "Light-awareness" ...





​“Eponymous title of the album, NO WIND TONIGHT …  is a friendly smile towards my friend Georges Stanislas Paczynski. It puts a peaceful and intimately introspective end to the album. The acoustic piano, double bass and tenor saxophone are the main guests on this piece. Zen attitudes and constructive altruism are welcome. 


Live (well) together and do it again and again…“  G




Our guests, artists and nevertheless friends :

​Sound team :



Sound capture : Vincent MAHEY and Arthur GOURET (helped by Nathanaël MINET)

 Studio SEXTAN-La Fonderie (Malakoff - France)

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Mixing : Vincent MAHEY ("Bab'Y" and "Curritur ad Vocem") and Arthur GOURET ("Talitha Koum" and "NWT ...")


Mastering : Marcus LINON

Studio GREASY-RECORDS (Montmagny - France)


Graphic design :


Gérald NIMAL (Ad Lib Communication Multimédia/Tresboeuf - France) and Gilles LE REST


Images captures - Teaser :


Stéphane ROUPPERT, Jeff HUMBERT, Christian LE REST and Guillaume LECOMPTE-BOINET

​We wish you all a nice musical journey !
Clear-slots are expected, without too much wind tonight ...

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